Thursday 19 January 2017

Living Standards across the South Yorkshire Metro Area

In the wake of Brexit and as we look toward the first ever Metro mayoral elections this May, England’s cities are in the spotlight. From the Northern Powerhouse to the Midlands Engine and beyond, the future of our economy will depend on the strength of our cities.

But there are huge economic inequalities both between cities and within cities. How should Metro Mayors promote strong, shared growth? And how can wider economic leaders in business, local authorities and universities support this drive for higher city living standards?

As part of our major new investigation into living standards in our cities, the Resolution Foundation held an event in Sheffield to explore the unique challenges faced and successes enjoyed in the South Yorkshire Metropolitan Area, and how the Metro Mayor can use their new powers to be the driving force behind a new era of inclusive prosperity.

Leading local politicians, academics, and business leaders debated the key policy issues for the area, and Resolution Foundation presented fresh new analysis of South Yorkshire’s economy and living standards.


Slides from the event: