The last decade has seen housing at last work its way to the top of the political agenda. From much lower home ownership and higher housing costs for younger generations, to the sharp increase in families living in less secure rented accommodation, there is now a cross party consensus that Britain faces some serious questions on housing. But now comes the hard bit – does Britain have any housing answers? What policies might make a difference to home ownership? What can be done more immediately to provide more security for those bringing up children in the private rental sector? And how can politics step up to the depth and breadth of our housing crisis? At an event at its Westminster headquarters the Resolution Foundation presented new analysis and policy proposals prepared for the soon to report Intergenerational Commission. A panel of experts including the Intergenerational Commissioner Kate Barker and CEO of Get Living housing provider Neil Young debated possible policy solutions to the housing crisis, before taking part in an audience Q&A. width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> Home improvements: tackling the intergenerational housing crisis from ResolutionFoundation height="100" width="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player">