Young people have been hit harder than any other age group by the post-crash pay squeeze, but their pay problems predated the financial crisis. Youth unemployment is low, but millennials are disproportionately likely to find themselves in insecure work. And while millennials are often thought of ‘job hoppers’, they’re actually moving jobs less frequently than before the crisis – which could be stunting their careers. What will it take to get millennials’ careers back on track? What do they need to do for themselves, what support should the state provide? What more can businesses and unions do if this trend is to be reversed? At an event at its Westminster headquarters, the Resolution Foundation presented new findings from its report to the Intergenerational Commission on the labour market. A panel of experts debated the findings and set out their case for improving labour market outcomes for young people, before taking part in a Q&A. width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">