How does the gap between the rich and poor affect the lives we live? What is the impact on the rich, as well as the rest? Is anyone really a winner from inequality and what, if anything, should be done to close the gap? These questions will be debated at a screening and Q&A of The Divide – a new film inspired by the bestselling book The Spirit Level. It explores how economic turmoil and a rising income gap between the richest and poorest impacts society. Through the stories of seven people in the UK and US, the film explores how the economic backdrop of a country shapes the lives of its people. At this Resolution Foundation event The Divide will be screened in full, followed by a Q&A with the film’s producer Katharine Round and Richard Wilkinson, co-author of ‘The Spirit Level’. The Q&A will be chaired by Resolution Foundation Executive Chair David Willetts and there will be time for audience questions.