Thursday 26 January 2017

A tale of four cities

Resolution Foundation city events programme

In the wake of Brexit and as we look toward the first ever Metro mayoral elections next May, England’s cities are in the spotlight. From the Northern Powerhouse to the Midlands Engine and beyond, the future of our economy will depend on the strength of our cities and their surrounding areas.

But there are huge economic inequalities both between cities and within cities. How should Metro Mayors promote strong, shared growth? How can wider economic leaders in business, local authorities and universities support this drive for higher city living standards?

As part of our major new investigation into living standards in our cities, the Resolution Foundation is holding events across England – in Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield and Bristol – to explore the unique challenges faced in different areas, and how Metro Mayors can use their new powers to be the driving force behind a new era of inclusive prosperity.

At a series of events, leading local politicians, academics and business leaders will debate the key policy issues for that area, and Resolution Foundation will present fresh new analysis of the relevant city region’s economy and living standards.

Monday 28 November
18:00-19:30 (refreshments from 17:30)
Lord Mayors Parlour, Manchester Town Hall
Refreshments provided
Andy Burnham MP, Labour candidate for Mayor of Greater Manchester
Julia Fawcett OBE, Chief Executive of The Lowry
Ruth Lupton, Head of the Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit, University of Manchester
Stephen Clarke, Research and Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation
Chair: Torsten Bell, Director of the Resolution Foundation


Monday 12 December
8:30-10:00 (refreshments from 8:00)
Meeting room 101, Birmingham library
Breakfast provided
Andy Street, Managing Director of John Lewis and Conservative candidate for West Midlands Mayor
Siôn Simon, MEP for the West Midlands and Labour candidate for West Midlands Mayor
Beverley Nielsen, former regional CBI director and Liberal Democrat candidate for West Midlands Mayor
Simon Collinson, Director of the City-Region Economic Development Institute, University of Birmingham
Stephen Clarke, Research and Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation
Chair: David Willetts, Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation


Thursday 19 January
18:00-19:30 (refreshments from 17:30)
Mandela Room, Sheffield Town Hall
Refreshments provided
Dan Jarvis, MP for Barnsley Central
Craig Berry, Deputy Director of Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI)
Emma Stone, Director of Policy and Research at Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF)
Stephen Clarke, Research and Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation
Chair: Torsten Bell, Director of the Resolution Foundation


Thursday 26 January
18:30-20:00 (refreshments from 18:00)
Watershed, 1 Canons Road,
Harbourside, BS1 5TX
Refreshments provided
Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol
Conor D’Arcy, Research and Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation
Other speakers tbc
Chair: Torsten Bell, Director of the Resolution Foundation
Eventbrite - The Westside Story: The living standards challenge facing the Metro Mayor for West of England