Monday 9 September 2024

A new era?

Wealth and savings policy in the decade ahead

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Britain’s economy has been reshaped by 16 years of weak growth and stagnating incomes, and by a four-decade wealth boom that has only just been tempered by the recent rise in interest rates. This wealth boom – which has not been shared equally throughout the country or across generations – has had a profound impact on people’s lifetime living standards, their ability to weather financial shocks, and the prospects of younger generations. The drivers and consequences of this wealth boom are poorly understood, but they hold the key to building an integrated savings and wealth policy in the decade ahead

How might Britain’s wealth boom evolve over the coming decade? Why hasn’t it boosted household’s financial resilience, and what can be done to change that? How might we strengthen pension saving to improve living standards in later life? Can we do a better job of taxing wealth given the fiscal pressures Britain faces? What difference might higher interest rates make? Should the new Labour government chart a new course on wealth-related policies and, if so, how?

The Resolution Foundation is hosting a major conference as part of its ongoing wealth programme of work, in partnership with abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, to debate and answer these questions. We will hear from leading experts across academia, politics, policy, civil society, journalism and business to get a better understanding of the big issues and policy questions that surround the wealth of our nation.

The event will be open for people to physically attend, alongside being broadcast via YouTube and the Resolution Foundation website. Viewers will be able to submit questions to the panel before and during the event via Slido.


10.00 – 10.05    Welcome

10.05 – 11.15    Piketty 10 years on

11.15 – 11.35    Coffee break

11.35 – 12.30    Household resilience

12.30 – 13.20    Lunch

13.20 – 14.20    Pensions – where next?

14.20 – 14.40    Coffee break

14.40 – 15.40    Wealth taxation