Employment is at a record high, and economic inactivity is close to an historic low. But the UK’s employment rate is still some way behind other advanced economies such as Germany and Sweden. And the quality of work available remains a huge issue for both those in and out of work. Is the government’s target for new job creation incompatible with a push for higher quality work? Or is the availability of high quality flexible work the key to another increase in labour supply? And what support do employers need in order to secure full employment? At an event at its headquarters in central London, Laura Gardiner presented new analysis from the Resolution Foundation’s full employment project. Emma Stewart, Joint CEO at the Timewise Foundation, presented new research on flexible hiring and its impact on raising living standards. Julia Unwin, Chief Executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, who funded the new research, also discussed the findings along with Kate Williams from Pets at Home. A panel discussion and Q&A will follow. width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> Trade-offs or synergies in the pursuit of full employment from ResolutionFoundation