UpcomingThursday 3 April 2025

The metrics that really matter

How can we better measure economic and societal change?

Book launch for The Measure of Progress by Diane Coyle.


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Britain has endured a prolonged period of economic stagnation, with real household disposable incomes having barely grown since the financial crisis. But beneath these two harsh facts lie a country that has changed considerably, and indeed seen considerable economic, technological and societal progress. The way we measure our economy, let alone our ability to measure it accurately, means that a lot of the changes that really matter to people – for good, and for ill – is missed in official statistics.

Why do economic statistics matter for both policy makers, and the wider public? What big changes are being missed by official data, and what might they tell us about the state of Britain today? And what could a world of better data tell us about how to boost Britain’s economic performance, and raise living standards?

In a groundbreaking new book The Measure of Progress, leading UK economist Professor Diane Coyle examines the state of economic data, including what it’s missing, and why it matters for policy makers and better understanding the way we live. The Resolution Foundation is hosting an in-person and interactive event to mark the launch of this book, in which Diane will be joined onstage by another leading economic expert Tera Allas.

Copies of the book will be available for sale at the event.

The event will be open for people to physically attend, alongside being broadcast via YouTube and the Resolution Foundation website. Viewers will be able to submit questions to the panel before and during the event via Slido.