UpcomingThursday 12 September 2024

Building Blocks

Can the Government hit its housing targets?

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The new Government has set an ambitious target of delivering 1.5 million new homes over a five-year period – at a rate that hasn’t been achieved since the 1960s  – and has put planning reform at the heart of its agenda. But successive governments have aimed high, but delivered low, when it comes to housebuilding. Overcoming this record will require a lot of capital expenditure, in both political and cash terms.

What are the devils in the detail when it comes to getting controversial planning reforms right? What other interventions might be needed to of enable firms to build new properties at scale? Where should new homes be built, and what role should social housing play? And how will future homeowners – and their neighbours – be affected by a successful housebuilding drive?

The Resolution Foundation is hosting an in-person and interactive webinar – the third in a series of reports and events examining five key economic challenges facing the new government – to debate and answer these questions. Following a presentation of the key highlights from new research, we will hear from leading experts on how the government can hit its housebuilding targets, and what that would mean for the country.

The event will be open for people to physically attend, alongside being broadcast via YouTube and the Resolution Foundation website. Viewers will be able to submit questions to the panel before and during the event via Slido.