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Net zero

The UK’s journey towards a carbon neutral economy is set to move from setting ambitious targets to delivering progress that will bring profound changes in the coming decade that will affect people and places throughout the UK. Our work on Net zero will focus on what these changes will mean for living standards, ensuring that the costs and benefits of the Net zero transition are distributed across households, as well as preventing the costs of adapting and responding to a changing climate from falling unfairly across society


Jonathan Marshall

Senior Economist
T: 0203 372 2918

Zachary Leather

T: 020 3372 2915

The grass is greener on the net zero side

What the Seventh Carbon Budget tells us about the net zero transition


In today’s Seventh Carbon Budget, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) recommends that, by 2038-42, the UK should reduce its emissions by 87 per cent on 1990 levels. To reach this,…
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Sunny day savings

Assessing Government support for solar panels


The new Government’s plan to decarbonise the electricity system brings with it the lofty aim of tripling total solar capacity by the end of the decade. Although much of this…
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Getting the green light

The path to a fair transition for the transport sector


Transport is now the largest component of the UK’s carbon footprint, and rapid decarbonisation will significantly change how people travel. This report examines squares up to the three main modes…
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Getting the green light

How can we fairly share the costs of decarbonising transport?

The next big hurdle on Britain’s path towards a green economy is decarbonising every-day travel. Emissions from getting around – from cars, vans, buses, trains and planes – make up…
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Blowing away the competition

What to make of Britain’s 2024 renewable energy auction results


The latest round of renewable energy auctions procured a record 9.6 gigawatts (GW) of low-carbon energy, of which the majority (5 GW) was offshore wind. This represents a much-needed acceleration…
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Net zeroing in on investment

Priorities for the new Government in delivering a fair transition


Cutting carbon in the second half of the 2020s is all about investment, but high upfront costs and wider economic woes mean these could be insurmountable for many. This paper…
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Net zeroing in on investment

Can the Government deliver a fair transition?

Register to attend in person or to receive an access link for online viewers. The new Labour Government says it wants clean energy – and wider action on climate change…
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Electric dreams

How can we decarbonise electricity without disadvantaging poorer families?


A low carbon electricity system will underpin the UK’s journey to net zero, making the electricity we use today greener but also fuelling our cars and keeping us warm at…
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