Live interactive webinar to launch new book ‘Trade Wars are Class Wars’ by Matthew C. Klein. While the first decade of the 21st century was marked by the seemingly unstoppable march of rising trade flows and globalisation, the last decade – and the last few years in particular – have been marked by trade disputes and talk of ‘deglobalisation’. The pandemic has reinforced those trends. Understanding these new paths, blips, and possible changes in direction will be vital for the UK as it seeks to find its place in a new post-COVID, post-Brexit global economy. Are trade patterns the causes of domestic economic problems, or the result of them? Who are the real winners and losers from trade, and trade wars? Is the world heading for a phase of pandemic-induced deglobalisation, and should we be fighting for or against this change? To discuss those questions and mark the launch of a timely new book, ‘Trade Wars are Class Wars’, by Matthew C. Klein and Michael Pettis, the Resolution Foundation hodted an interactive webinar. Matthew was joined by leading trade expert Swati Dhingra to discuss where globalisation is heading, and what that could mean for inequality and living standards globally, and domestically.