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Brexit & trade

The UK’s exit from the EU will have a profound effect on household living standards, though what that effect will be will depend on the nature and timing of Brexit. Our work focuses on how Brexit, and Brexit-related policy areas such as our trade policy, affect people’s incomes.


Sophie Hale

Principal Economist
T: 0203 372 2919

Emily Fry

Senior Economist
T: 0203 372 2957

Life in the slow lane

Assessing the UK’s economic and trade performance since 2010


This briefing note is the third output in a programme of outputs designed to put the upcoming UK general election in context, supported by the Nuffield Foundation. It looks at…
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Britain needs to acknowledge rather than deny its weaknesses in goods trade, and leverage its strength in services


The UK economy swiftly exited its recession in the first quarter of 2024 thanks in part to an improving trade balance. This is good news – but an improving trade…
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Britain’s post-Brexit trade patterns are finally emerging in the data


The impact of Brexit on trade in the first two years after leaving the EU was complicated by global events: first the pandemic, and then the spike in energy prices.…
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Decent exposure

An overview of how Britain’s exposure to trade has changed


In this briefing note we assess how the exposure to international trade has changed over the past two decades. First, we consider the role that declining manufacturing employment has played…
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Trading standards

How exposure to global trade shapes our living standards

Britain is an open economy, and has become more open over recent decades – despite the impact of Brexit and ‘slowbalisation’. But the quantity and type of goods and services…
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Local roots of trade routes

The UK’s regional services trade over time


Services trade is increasingly important for the UK Politicians are often laser-focussed on goods trade, but trade in services is increasingly important for the UK’s growth story. Globally, services trade…
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Ending Stagnation

A New Economic Strategy for Britain

The final report of The Economy 2030 Inquiry The UK has great strengths, but is a decade and a half into a period of stagnation. The combination of slow growth…
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Trading Up

The role of the post-Brexit trade approach in the UK’s economic strategy


After nearly half a century of EU membership, Britain needs a trade strategy. The stakes are high: such a strategy shapes what families and firms buy from abroad, and what…
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