An improved technical education system has a key role to play in meeting Britain’s productivity challenge

An improved technical education system has a key role in meeting Britain’s productivity challenge

Commenting on the speech today (Thursday) by Secretary of State for Education Damian Hinds setting out his plans to reform Britain’s technical education system, David Willetts, Executive Chair at the Resolution Foundation, said:

“The Education Secretary is right to highlight the link between our poor productivity and failure to deliver a fit for purpose technical education system. Indeed, delivering clear, high quality routes through technical education and into the world of work is one of the defining challenges facing 21stCentury Britain.

“Making that a reality will require years of hard work and political leadership. Today’s speech takes important steps in the right direction by setting out how the new T-levels will allow students to progress on into higher level qualifications and fit with major reforms underway to apprenticeships.

“This should now be matched by badly needed funding for our FE colleges that have been let down in recent decades.”

Notes to Editors

The Foundation’s proposals to reform technical education can be found in its recent report to the Intergenerational Commission Technical Fault – options for promoting human capital growth available here