In recent decades, housing has gone from being a driver of falling wealth inequality to playing a central role in Britain’s living standards crisis. Across income groups and the generations we see widespread concern about the housing prospects of younger generations. From the cost of housing to its size, quality and proximity to work, how has the state of housing in Britain affected living standards over recent decades? What can politicians do to address the worrying housing outlook for younger generations? At an event at its London headquarters, the Resolution Foundation presented new analysis for its Intergenerational Commission of how people’s housing experiences have changed over recent decades, and what the future might hold in terms of home ownership. A panel of leading experts offered their take on how to tackle the housing crisis, before taking part in an audience Q&A. width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">